truebrow™ system

TrueBrow™ began with the belief in the importance of the brow to a woman’s overall softness and beauty through recognising the influence the brow has on a woman’s expression of herself. Putting it simply, your brows really do matter. TrueBrow™ is the brows you have (or wish to have) cared for in a way you’ve not yet experienced.

Your natural brow is assessed by our TrueBrow Specialist, an expert on hair growth patterns and the science that is behind hair growth. You will be given an accurate assessment on whether or not your brows can be naturally repaired. Following your assessment you will offered the opportunity to enter the TrueBrow Program which begins with your Starter Pack, offering you beautiful brows at great value. Don't give up on your brows just yet, we haven't!


For far too long, your brows have been compromised, by a brow curriculum that fails the beauty professional, leaving them without the knowledge and skill necessary to create and maintain the brows you deserve - brows that enhance your beauty and offer you confidence!  You can expect more and you should expect more.

To fill this void in the beauty industry women are constantly offered quick fixes and trends that often end in disaster or disappointment.

We believe your brows are an incredibly important expression of your beauty and as such, your TrueBrow™ Specialist keeps this notion in the back of her mind as she is working with your brows, taking the time needed to understand how your hair moves, how it lays and ultimately which hair is not needed. She acts with purpose, making deliberate choices, and is paying close attention to every detail.

Your TrueBrow Specialist will never offer you a trend or a quick fix, she is completely educated in the area design, correction and repairing of brows. TrueBrow has filled the void in the beauty industry with real authentic knowledge and education.


Achieving amazing results takes time! There’s a reason a 15-20 minute brow wax is focused entirely on hair removal – we simply cannot apply our skill and knowledge without taking the time we need and the time your brows deserve! You will notice the difference immediately, as you will never be rushed through a brow appointment with your TrueBrow™ Specialist. The details matter!

Each TrueBrow™ Discovery session offers us the opportunity to assess your brows and begin to develop our vision.

Finally, you have someone who is dedicated to offering you incredible brows, all the time, as opposed to someone who gives you a brow wax. Although hair removal will be part of your brow appointment, it is by no means all there is to it. Your brows deserve more and somewhere along the way, women became accustomed to hair removal (i.e. the brow wax) and that “cleaned up” equates to beautiful, but sadly it does not and we’re here to give you what you didn’t realise you could have. TrueBrow™ is a natural brow restoration and design technique that will give you softer, more feminine and more defined brows without the need for tattooing. 


Truebrow™ Discovery Session


10 min

During your Truebrow™ Discovery Session it is a precious time where you have your brows correctly assessed by a TrueBrow™ representative. During this time you will discuss what is truly possible by the world’s leading brow specialist. A true assessment of your brows and of course the vision of the future. Experience the knowledge, care and passion needed to restore, correct, transform a woman’s brow.


Once your TrueBrow™ vision is assessed, your specialist will book you in for your TrueBrow™ Design. If your brows are being repaired it is during this appointment the foundation for the future of your brow potential will begin. With meticulous care and vision your brow specialist will transform your brows.


truebrow™ design


60 min

Your TrueBrow is designed by finding the softness and underlying beauty of your natural brow by using cutting edge techniques, world class design principles and the most advanced brow education.

TrueBrow™ system is the process of recovering your brows to their fullest and most beautiful potential, naturally. You will be amazed at what is possible, using your very own brows, regardless the state they are currently in. No tricks, serums, wigs, extensions.


No tattooing and no permanent makeup. You will be amazed with the results that can be achieved using what nature gave you and the skills of a highly trained TrueBrow™ specialist from Brow Secrets International.

With meticulous care and vision your brow specialist will transform your brows. During your TrueBrow™ Design there may be, depending on your brow needs a new and clear direction implemented, this can take time and precision. During your TrueBrow™ Design, even the most compromised brows will experience a new level of beauty.

Want to know more? Click here and let’s have a chat about your brow journey

Need to see some real proof of TrueBrow™ Transformation from around the WORLD? Have a look here

TrueBrow ™ Maintenance


30 min

Following your TrueBrow™ Design the progress of your repair/design will be reassessed in a fortnight appointment; this is your TrueBrow™ Maintenance. This is not a re-design appointment but rather where your design or repair will be maintained. For advanced restoration brow work, your TrueBrow™ Specialist will advise you on what timeframe is required. 


A TrueBrow™ Maintenance is a fortnightly appointment and its main purpose is to offer you the most beautiful brows every day of the year. Don’t let messy, unkempt brows compromise your confidence.


Truebrow™ starter pack


The TrueBrow™ Starter Pack is a great way to ease you in comfortably and see amazing results.


  • First TrueBrow™ Design

  • 3 TrueBow™ Maintenance

Normally valued at $300.00



The TrueBrow™ Program is your route back to beautiful brows and is tailored to you depending on whether you’re in need of correction, repair, transformation, design or a mixture of them all. This program is designed to FULFIL the TrueBrow™ promise women have grown to love and because we understand each brow is unique, the TrueBrow™ Program is the fastest way to brow beauty.

Book in for your complimentary TrueBrow™ Brow Discovery Session to discuss your TrueBrow™ Program. No woman should have to wait for the perfect brow confidence!

Just click here and let me show you what TrueBrow can do for you


The program includes:

  • TrueBrow™ Design

  • 6 TrueBrow™ Maintenance

  • First complimentary Paraffin Wax Hand Treatment

  • 10% off your next Lash service

Normally valued at minimum of $625.00

Chin Wax



Lip wax


Lash Tint



Brow Tint


Paraffin Wax Hand Treatment


20 min

A natural and luxurious, moisturising treatment Enriched with Vitamin E to nourish, soothe and hydrate skin. With the use of medical grade paraffin wax, which works to help relax muscles, ease minor joint pain, increase circulation, cleanse away impurities and moisturise dry, rough skin leaving your hands to feel soft and supple.


Please note that this treatment can not be used with the following conditions:

  • Impaired circulation/sensation e.g. peripheral vascular disease/neuropathy

  • Significant oedema

  • Acute trauma or inflammation

  • Open wounds

  • Malignancies e.g. tumours