cancellation policy

Please make yourself familiar with the cancellation policy.

We understand that things come up suddenly that may be out of your control but if you wish to cancel/reschedule your appointment you must provide at least 24hrs notice.  If it is within 24hrs full payment for the service booked is payable before another booking can be made.

Any last minute cancellations/rescheduled appointments and ‘no shows’ will incur a charge to cover the loss of earnings from that appointment which your therapist now cannot fill at such short notice. When a therapist does not work, they do not earn, therefore please respect the policies put in place to protect your therapist.

Can we get refunds on any of the services?

Refunds are not offered on ANY lash treatments, but we will always work with the client in the rare event of any issues that may arise.

If you encounter any problems, please notify immediately within 48hrs after treatment.

If any client experiences a problem with their lashes, then we will do our best to work with that client to rectify the problem.

However, please note that the products used on all clients are tried and tested and, as such, they do work – with satisfied clients returning week after week with healthy natural lashes and well-maintained extensions.

In the rare event of a client experiencing any problems, it is usually as a result of improper aftercare, or they’re simply not a suitable candidate for that particular treatment. Although eyelash extensions are a fantastic beauty treatment, there may be times when they are not suitable for everyone.

What if I am late to the appointment?

If you arrive late to your appointment that time will be deducted from your allocated timeframe but if there is not enough time to perform the service, full payment is required and a new booking will be needed.

This is to make sure everyone’s allocated time is not delayed.

Can someone else take my appointment time if I am unavailable?

Unfortunately your appointment cannot be transferred to another person, as everyone has different: eye shape, eye spacing, eye angle, lash length, lash thickness, etc. Therefore they would need a new consultation and patch test before any services can be performed.

The only transferrable service is a consultation or removal service.

I’ve had eyelash extensions before why do I need a consultation and a patch test when I already know I can wear extensions?

All new clients must have a consultation, besides getting to know one another and making sure we are the right fit as client and therapist. We want this to be a relaxed, enjoyable and good lasting relationship so your trust in us is imperative.

This is the perfect time your therapist has a chance to take photos to analyse all possible factors in your eye design before it can be performed.

This is also a good opportunity to go through any questions, concerns, aftercare and standard OH&S.

Most importantly patch testing of the products that your therapist uses is crucial to make sure that everything used won’t have an allergic reaction.

Please be mindful that although you may not have an allergic reaction at patch testing. You can develop a reaction during/post application or even months/years down the track. It’s just one of those things that cannot be predicted.

What if I develop an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions?

Once you have an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions unfortunately that is the end of your journey to use this service. There is no such thing as ”sensitive adhesive” that will make it any better for you to continue nor will your therapist risk your health by continuing to apply.

For example if you have a nut allergy you basically know you stay clear of it PERIOD! There is no “sensitive nut” alternative. People have different levels of which they react from just a little itch to full blown anaphylactic shock and can be life threatening.  It can also be where you used to start off with just a little itch but then develop the more serious reaction due to the re-exposure.  Our body can be very unpredictable so there can be no guarantee.

So you can understand why your therapist will no longer accept you as a client and will sadly have to part ways.

Could I be allergic to something else other than the adhesive?

Yes you could just be allergic to the other products used such as the medical tape or pads in which there are other materials that could be replaced. 

Another example is black carbon in the adhesive.  If it is the black carbon (you will know if you can’t wear black mascara for instance) then your therapist can switch to a clear adhesive.

Why are eyelash extensions so expensive or cost more than other places where I can get the same treatment for a lot cheaper?

Applying a set of eyelash extensions is a very intricate skill that can only be undertaken by a highly trained and skilled professional. Clients put their absolute trust in their therapist who works on their delicate eye area using sharp tweezers and strong adhesives.

The products used are of the highest medical grade quality and, as such are expensive to purchase. These lash products are used in large quantities by the therapist with between 200-600 extensions being applied, depending on the lash service you have.  The individual isolation of every suitable natural lash requires skills and time, with infill’s and full sets taking anywhere from 45min to 4 hours to complete, therefore this is not a speedy or cheap treatment for the therapist to be able to offer.

Just throwing on extensions to the natural lash without proper isolation is easily done by anyone but the big difference is by doing this you are actually damaging the natural lash which can cause lashes sticking together causing discomfort, breakage, premature lash loss (which can take weeks before the new lash will grow in it’s place) and worst of all, you could over time the lashes grow thinner/shorter to a point it may end up not growing anymore due to the improper application.

If there is someone applying a full set of extensions in less than 45min you really have to question how much effort they are putting in to make sure your lashes remain healthy and looking wonderful at the same.

I have lost a few extensions in the first 24 hours, is this normal?

Yes this is completely normal. The average person loses between 3-5 lashes per eye, per day, so this is not unusual.

You will see your eyelash extensions naturally shedding daily, so do not be alarmed as this is perfectly normal. Your natural eyelashes do this every day.

Think about the hair on your head. When you brush your hair, you just know that you will loose quiet a few throughout the day and it’s more visible since it’s thicker and longer but you also know that new hair is growing in its place.

Lashes on the other hand scales way smaller so you wouldn’t notice it as easily when they shed.

Why have I lost a lot of lashes from one eye only?

This is always an indication that the client sleeps on that side during the night, and this puts pressure onto the bonds of the eyelash extensions and can cause them to fall off. Sadly, most clients are adamant that they sleep on their back all night and never move, but this really is not the case.

Some people can naturally shed faster on one eye compared to the other.

Why have my extensions gone straight/singed?

This is due to extreme heat burst such as when you light a cigarette close to your face, smoking in general, opening a hot oven, using blow dryer, hot showers, etc.

Slept/rubbed on the extensions

The eyelash extension itself is made of PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate) this can never go straight on it’s own accord. It’s what we do with it physically and environmentally that may alter its shape/form.

What is the difference between Mink, Silk, Faux Mink?

Eyelash extensions are made of PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate).  This material is used to make toothbrushes for example.

No matter what they name the product it’s all made of the same material, the only slight difference is if it’s shiny/matte, the tapering of the tips, low end and high end grade PBT. The manufacturer can name it anything it wants to sell to the buyer.

The only BIG difference is using real mink, which we do not condone! There is no need to kill animals for our vanity.  Any company that claims they are “ethically sourced” I’d like them to show a video of this so-called ethical farm and it’s processes to get each individual fur after its been “brushed off” onto the strip and be uniformed.

PBT does the same job and actually lasts longer, doesn’t lose it’s curl overtime and some people are allergic to certain animal hair therefore you can be allergic to mink or human hair that’s not yours.  

 We only purchase from reputable suppliers that sell high quality lashes.

Can I bring in my own supplies such as lashes and/or glue for you to use to make it cheaper?

Unfortunately no, we do not allow this under any circumstances, even if you say it’s the same product.

Why do my eyes sting a little when I shower?

Glue called an inhibitor (Hydroquinone), which is present in very tiny amounts. When the extensions get wet for the first time this can leech out of the adhesive and cause a very minor irritation. Thorough cleansing of the lashes, as instructed by your therapist, should cease this irritation.

I had eyelash extensions before and they lasted nearly 8 weeks, whereas these have only lasted 2-3 weeks, why?

Natural lashes grow in cycles, therefore a good set of extensions that are applied correctly will only last 2-4 weeks looking its best due to these loss patterns. When extensions last longer, it is usually a sign of a poor set with too much adhesive being used and extensions stuck together, which inhibits the natural shedding patterns of eyelashes. A good set of lashes will grow and shed with 2-4 weeks being the average time your lashes will look their best (just like nails).

Do I need a break from eyelash extensions to let my natural lash repair and breath?

If you are wearing a good set of eyelash extensions, custom created for you, then you should never need a break and can safely wear them week after week, month after month, year after year.

Can I pick the lash look I want?

Within reason, however your therapist will always explain to you what your natural lashes can safely support. Therapists can only work off a platform of natural lashes; therefore they cannot create something out of nothing.

Extensions can only enhance what lashes you have; they cannot create something out of nothing. If you desire an extreme strip lash effect, then extensions may not be for you.

What if I end up not liking the look of the extensions that were applied or want a change later on?

Contact your therapist within 48hrs to discuss your concerns.  But in general the look can always be tweaked at your next infill and can always be changed/ customised for different events that come up, etc.

Why has my therapist failed to lash all of my natural lashes?

Your therapist can only apply an extension to a suitable natural lash. When an extension is left, it means it is not suitable to hold an extension. Therefore it will never be 100% coverage.

How often do I need infills?

Clients returning for infill’s must return with at least 50% of their set remaining, otherwise this may be classed as a full set and the full set fee will apply. 
 Clients that attempt to return for an infill outside of the designated infill timeframe set by their therapist may be charged extra or a full set of eyelash extensions due to the additional work now required to rectify the set.

At an infill we remove extensions that have grown out and twisted, and replace those extensions that have naturally shed with your natural lashes. Humans shed approximately 2-5 natural eyelashes per upper lid, per eye, per day (lets average this at 3 per day), and your therapist will apply approximately 100 extensions to the suitable natural lashes of each eye, therefore you will see the following general loss patterns:

After 7 days you will lose 21 extensions

After 14 days you will lose 42 extensions

After 21 days you will lose 63 extensions

NB: It is normal to lose up to 5 extensions per eye within the first 24 hours, do not worry.

Now you can see why your lashes, just like your nails, have to be maintained to keep them looking their best; because eyelashes grow and shed daily.

Everyone has different growth cycles. Some are faster/slower than others; no one is ever the same. In general you will look at between 2-3 weeks on average for an infill.

What is a Lash Shed?

Natural lashes grow in cycles – the average cycle is usually 9-12 weeks. This means that the amount of lashes you have week after week will vary depending on what stage of your lash cycle you are in. Some weeks your lashes will look fuller than others, and some weeks your retention will be better.

Every 9-12 weeks the client will experience a large loss of lashes and this is perfectly normal. However, when you wear eyelash extensions, this shed may be more noticeable because you may see a few more extensions falling out than usual. If you are new to wearing extensions you might be alarmed, however don’t be as this is just the natural pattern of eyelash growth cycles.

Over time you will notice the patterns and understand your own lash shed/growth stages better.

Spring and autumn lash sheds

During the spring and autumn, humans, just like animals, shed hair from all over their bodies – including our lashes. At these times of year you may find your lashes do not last as long because of this natural shed and you may need to schedule your infill’s more frequently. After a few weeks our bodies do calm down, so do not be alarmed.

I’ve had eyelash extension done elsewhere can I just get an infill without going through everything?

We DO NOT infill other therapists work under any circumstances. We will not be held responsible for any damage that may have been caused to the natural lashes that cannot be seen on work that’s already been done which can be caused by poor work elsewhere. A full assessment of your natural lashes is required with patch testing of all products being used.

When is it classified as a new set if I came for an infill?

A few examples:

  • The extensions are in a bad condition, which can include singed from heat source such as cigarettes, blow dryer, hot ovens/appliances, sauna’s, tanning beds, etc.

  • If you have less than 50% of your extensions

  • Wear mascara/gel/liquid eyeliner

  • Build up of heavy makeup use that is not cleaned properly, this can lead to eye infections

  • Not cleaning your lashes well enough or at all, which also leads to eye infections

  • Worn strip lashes on top.  As much as you may think you got everything off, the glue is still attached to the extensions making extensions stick together and is also sticky on the tweezers during isolation)

  • Gone elsewhere to get additional lashes, which may not have been done properly and showed signs of excessive glue use, lashes glued together, cluster/strip lashes, etc.

I’ve had eyelash extension done elsewhere can I remove them with you?

We do not offer removals on work that was applied elsewhere, unless the client is having a new full set applied by us. In this case we offer a free removal, unless we feel that it will take longer than 20 minutes to remove the set due to poor work and/or excessive glue/build up of any residue including makeup than charges may apply.

We will not be held responsible for any damage to the natural lashes that has been caused by poor work elsewhere. 

We also do not remove any cluster lashes. You should go back to the person who applied it for removal. If you are unsure you can just Google “bad cluster lashes” and you will see what we mean.  A big blob of cluster lashes stuck on with excessive glue (sometimes hair glue) to either one lash or multiple lashes to the whole lash line OUCH!

What if I do not clean my lashes properly?

Getting eyelash extensions alone does not cause eye infections. It’s what we do with our eyes that infections can be presented. In most instances it’s from not cleaning the lashes properly.

Giving them a quick rub or running under water is not enough. This is fine when it’s just your natural lashes because you can see if there is anything stuck to your lashes and give them a good rub/clean.

But with extensions you can’t rub your eyes and when dirt and debris from makeup and the environment such as dust/dirt can get caught within the eyelash extension, you can’t always get to it or see it through the attached extension. 

That is why you need a proper eyelash cleanser and do a deep clean at least 4 times a week and brush everyday throughout the day to keep it nice and maintained. Going for your infill’s within the recommended time frame as to avoid any lashes that have outgrown that can twist and poke into the eye causing irritation, etc.

Think of it like brushing your teeth, you know you have to do it daily (am/pm) and you may need to floss throughout the day to get any food/plaque stuck in-between your teeth. The dentist does a deep clean and it is then up to you to maintain it before the next scheduled appointment. If you do not maintain your teeth you get build up of plaque and tartar and can get infections/diseases. 

Now add on braces! Yep each bracket is glued to each tooth with wires and what ever else is required to straighten them and your normal everyday brushing routine just got harder as it won’t get to all the surfaces because it’s in the way. So you need to be a lot more tentative and aware to get in-between everything.

You have spent good money on eyelash extensions to look fabulous 24hrs a day so treat it with love and respect and you will reap the rewards in return.

What happens if myself or therapist is ill and need to reschedule/cancel?

In the event that either party is ill especially if it is contagious for instance: a sty/conjunctivitis/lice/and many more.

For the health and safety for every person, it is best to reschedule until it is safe to come back. We may, but not always, request you get a doctors certificate to confirm that it is safe to return/continue with the service being performed.

It is not fair to be spreading the disease/germs to everyone, which can potentially make things worse. Especially for your therapist as we would then have to most likely throw away everything that has been in contact such as bedding/tools and sterilise the room to avoid other paying clients getting the illness. That would cost a lot of time and money to replace. No one pays for a service to get ill and/or your therapist loosing income because they are ill and cannot work.

Whilst more mild/common illnesses like the cold and flu season, you can get very teary eyes - the glue won’t bond very well or not at all which can be very frustrating and not a good use of time/money for either party.

Coughing fits you have to be mindful that your therapist is holding very sharp tweezers right next to your eyes and any one of those coughs will make you jerk and the tweezers can stab you and cause serious injury. So just be mindful that everyone’s health is more important so rest is best.

You would not want your therapist being sick all over you, especially when we are hovering right above your face, even though a mask is warn it’s just not a good feeling knowing a sick person is really in your personal space.

Reschedule/cancellation policy still applies.

If your therapist has to cancel for any reason within 24 hours you will be refunded in full for that service booked.  When your next appropriate treatment is booked. You will only be charged 50% for that service.

Am I allowed to bring another person/baby/child(ren) with me?

Unfortunately no.  As this is still a personal living space, we wish to avoid any incidents/accidents/injury.  So please be respectful of this policy.

Why can’t I talk during the session?

As soon as lashing commences there is zero talking.  This is the best time for you to relax and enjoy the time and have a nap.

If you are speaking the pads tend to move and can cut up into your eye causing redness and can cause micro tear from the tape/pad being used.  Your eyes could also flicker more making it harder for your therapist to work.

If at anytime you need to go to the bathroom or you answer a phone call/text/etc. Lashing will cease immediately until you are ready and eyes closed once again. Just be mindful that, that time will be deducted from your session.

Can I get eyelash extensions if I’m pregnant?

There are no confirmed studies to show if you can or can’t be lashed during pregnancy but as air of caution, we will not.

It is just the amount of time you may be lying on your back can cause discomfort to you and/or the baby. Your sensitivity could be heightened and we want to avoid any possible injuries.

Want a bonus reason for why it’s also great to getting eyelash extensions?

By following the correct aftercare your therapist has given you.  You’re gentler on your eyes, which in turn can slow down the signs of aging!

How is this possible you ask? Well our eyes are 7 times thinner than the rest of the face; it’s more delicate and doesn’t have pores.

When you rub/pull on your eyes you are actually losing over time elasticity causing premature aging. You wont even notice the damage you’ve done until it’s too late and the lines and wrinkles have already formed. And once it’s there, there is no cream in the world that can reverse it, accept for some lasers and/or cosmetic surgery.

By not having to wear mascara, liner or as much makeup everyday, you aren’t applying so much pressure to the eye area putting on all these extra products/steps giving you more time to do other things you enjoy.

So having extensions will make you more aware and more conscious of the delicacy of your eyes and still look gorgeous doing nearly absolutely nothing on a daily basis.