Apart from the Discovery session, all bookings require a 20% non-refundable booking fee to secure any booking and will be deducted from the remaining balance of the service booked. Services are not transferrable to another person unless it is for a consultation appointment.

We understand that things come up suddenly that may be out of your control but if you wish to cancel/reschedule your appointment you must provide at least 24hrs notice via phone or text message. Less than 24hrs notice for any cancellation/reschedule and “no show” will still be liable to pay for the full service booked before another booking can be made. Please be aware if you arrive late to your appointment that time will be deducted from your allocated timeframe or may not be performed due to insufficient time to conduct the service. This is to ensure it is fair for everyone and appointments run on time.



TrueBrow™ brows are soft, feminine, fluid, and complimentary yet completely unique unto you. The Haute-Couture Brow!

Our TrueBrow™ Specialists are trained to develop a vision for your brows, seeing your brows very differently than your average beauty therapist or aesthetician, and she works to cultivate that vision hair by hair. This may mean our Specialist is designing a brow, or it may mean she is correcting, transforming or restoring a brow. No matter what is determined to be needed, there is incredible skill, care and detail in every appointment. No stencils, serums, stains or extensions, just beautiful natural brows and they’re all yours. Who wouldn’t want that?

Experience the exceptional professionalism, skill and care of your TrueBrow Specialist. 



It is highly recommended and advises that all new clients have a skin patch test. It has become more and more evident that women are experiencing more reactions to tinting.

The health and safety of our clients is of extreme priority so while it may feel like an inconvenience, your TrueBrow™ Discovery Session and TrueBrow™ Design will be a minimum of 24 hours apart.



This is not just a quick brow wax or shape that you would receive elsewhere. This is a high end, specialty brow service.
There is a huge difference between a salon brow service performed by a beauty professional and a design performed by a Brow Secrets™ International TrueBrow™ Specialist.

A brow shape performed by a beauty therapist, who is following textbook guidelines, is trying to fit a brow into a particular category, or they may use measuring techniques such as stencils, face shapes, facial features etc to create their shape. They are assuming that all brows can be designed using the same technique. These methods can end up imposing an unflattering shape upon the brow. Brows that are shaped incorrectly can close off and even distort your face. Often too much hair is removed creating harsh lines and angles, taking away the softness of the brow.

A brow design performed by a certified Brow Secrets™ International TrueBrow™ Specialist has undergone extensive training with brows only, for at least 6-12 months.  The way in which brows are viewed and knowledge of the anatomy of the brow, enables a TrueBrow™ Specialist to be able to create a brow that is natural and soft, enhancing her beauty. The precision in our designs cannot be acquired by waxing the brows into shape. We can help women, regardless of what shape their brows are in, to open up her features and transform her instantaneously with artistry rather than just maintenance.

A Brow Secrets™ International brow design is created using freehand brow artistry techniques and unique design principles. We also use cutting edge lighting techniques, colour correction & enhancement and work effectively with hair growth cycles and patterns.

We work meticulously towards the ultimate goal of finding the fullest potential of each individual brow.

Our vision in being able to create what others cannot, that is what sets us apart from others in the beauty industry.



Unfortunately this is never recommended and therefore not an available option here at Cindy Chan Beauty.


I’ve had microblading/feathering done and am not happy with the results, is truebrow able to help rectify it?

Although we may not physically be able to remove ink from your skin, it is still possible to assess and work with what you have to still give you the best brows that are possible.


What do I need to do to prepare myself for the truebrow experience?

As soon as you can STOP touching your brows and let them grow naturally, I know it can be hard but please resist and you will be rewarded. The longer the better but a minimum of 2 weeks is best so that your therapist can assess your natural brow growth patterns. If you freshly remove anything within a week. It wont be visible and can take longer to perfect your brow vision.


​How often do I come in for a truebrow maintenance?

Depending on your TrueBrow assessment you may be required to come every 2 - 3 weeks. Any longer will be classified as a TrueBrow Design.


am i allowed to tweeze/wax my brows on my own in-between appointments?

Under no circumstances you are to touch any brow hair. As each hair may be that crucial link to perfecting your brows. If you return for your maintenances within the timeframe advised by your TrueBrow Specialist. You should not have that urge to remove anything.


I’ve had a treatment done for my skin, do I need to let you know about them?

Yes, every time you come to your appointment, please let us know if you’ve had any type of treatment to the facial area done, so we can assess and make sure we prevent any issues as when performing any hair removal via waxing can not be performed only tweezing with extreme caution as follows :

  • If you’ve had any type of peel or microdermabrasion, you must wait a minimum of seven days before we can do any waxing. We may still be able to tweeze but with caution to avoid tearing of the skin or causing irritation.

  • Any tanning booth on the same day we can only tweeze. But if you are planning to be in the sun/tanning or solarium you should avoid for two days following a wax treatment. including 2-3 days before/after tanning accelerators.

  • Any laser skin resurfacing within the past year, again we can only tweeze.

  • If you’ve had a physician administered peel within the past two years. Only tweezing can be done.

  • No abrasive exfoliation for 24 hours following a waxing treatment.

  • Sunburned, irritated skin or areas with open skin cannot be waxed, most likely need to rebook for the following week.


Do you need to know about any medication i take?

Yes, please let us know as some medication is not recommended to perform waxing treatment such as Accutane, Retin A, or any other type of skin thinning medication or a side effect of a medication. We may still go ahead with tweezing but with extreme caution as the skin is thinner and can still tear just with tweezers.

  • Accutane (Acne medication) – You must be off this medication treatment course a minimum of one (1) year prior to waxing.

  • Adapalene (Acne medication)

  • Alustra (Retin A)

  • Avage (See Tazorac – Acne medication)

  • Avita (See Retin A)

  • Differin (Acne medication)

  • Isotretinoin (See Accutane)

  • Renova (See Retin A)

  • Retin A (Acne and Anti-aging medication)

  • Tazarac (Acne medication)

  • Tazarotene (See Tazorac)

  • Tretinoin (See Retin A)



Refunds are not offered on ANY brow treatments, but we will always work with the client in the rare event of any issues that may arise. If you encounter any problems, please notify immediately within 48hrs after treatment. If any client experiences a problem with their brows, then we will do our best to work with that client to rectify the problem. Although TrueBrow system is fantastic, there may be times when they are not suitable for everyone.



In the event you arrive late to your appointment that time will be deducted from your allocated timeframe or may not be performed due to insufficient time to conduct the service, you will still be liable to pay for the service booked before another booking can be made. This is to make sure everyone’s allocated time is not delayed.



Unfortunately your appointment cannot be transferred to another person, as everyone’s brows are different. The only transferrable service is the Discovery session.



In the event that either party is ill especially if it is contagious for instance: a sty/conjunctivitis/lice/and many more. For the health and safety for every person, it is best to reschedule until it is safe to come back. We may, but not always, request you get a doctors certificate to confirm that it is safe to return/continue with the service being performed. It is not fair to be spreading the disease/germs to everyone, which can potentially make things worse. Especially for your TrueBrow Specialist as we would then have to most likely throw away everything that has been in contact such as bedding/tools and sterilise the room to avoid other paying clients getting the illness. That would cost a lot of time and money to replace. No one pays for a service to get ill and/or your TrueBrow Specialist loosing income because they are ill and cannot work.

Coughing fits you have to be mindful that your therapist is holding various apparatus right next to your brows and eye vicinity. Any one of those coughs will make you jerk and the apparatus we are using at the time can stab you or have product accidentally spilt into the eye area and cause serious injury. So just be mindful that everyone’s health is more important so rest is best. You would not want your therapist being sick all over you, especially when we are hovering right above your face, even though a mask is warn it’s just not a good feeling knowing a sick person is really in your personal space. Reschedule/cancellation policy still applies. If your therapist has to cancel for any reason within 24 hours you will be refunded in full for that service booked.  If your next appropriate treatment is booked further than the ideal designated timeframe. You will only be charged 50% for that service.



Unfortunately no.  As this is still a personal living space, we wish to avoid any incidents/accidents/injury.  So please be respectful of this policy.



As soon as we commence there is zero talking.  Your therapist needs to be in a space of calm and focus to make sure you have the best brows possible. This is the best time for you to relax and enjoy the time and have a nap. If you are speaking your facial muscles especially around the forehead and brows move and if your TrueBrow Specialist is holding a sharp apparatus this can pierce the skin or cut/remove incorrect brow hairs, or during waxing or tinting it can end up where it shouldn’t.  There are endless possibilities for error’s whilst talking so it’s best to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. If at anytime you need to go to the bathroom or you need to answer a phone call/text/etc. We will cease immediately until you are ready to re-commence again. Just be mindful that time will be deducted from your session.


CAN I still get my brows done IF I’M PREGNANT?

Yes it is still fine to have your brows done. But your sensitivity could be heightened so always discuss with your health care professional.

If you find it difficult to get up and down off the bed regularly during maintenance we will try our best to minimise movement and complete service as quickly as possible. If at any moment you are not comfortable you must advise straight away and not just endure it. Your health especially your precious baby is more important to us!